Once you have mastered typing fast without glancing at your keyboard, you are good to go. I do think that these two courses go hand in hand and are the basics of the basics when it comes to learning how to type. Another typing course that I would recommend is the “Speed Building Course” where you will have to practice typing at a fast pace. The goal is for you to be able to type without needing to look at your keyboard. One of the courses you can try is the “Touch Typing Course” which aims to help you familiarize yourself with the keyboard and memorize the placement of the keys. There are 5 typing courses that you can try, all aiming to improve your typing performance. TypingMaster Pro offers a typing tutor for you to be able to master the keyboard and have little to no typing errors.

Proofreading and correcting them consumes more time than we would like. One of the most common typing problems people suffer from are the typos that are often overlooked.